


Title. Double click here.
The Official Tournament Rules of Pregame Baseball will follow the National Federation Rules with the exceptions listed in the rules below.
Teams should check with your director for any rules that may apply specifically to your geographic area.
Tournament/Rainout/Cancellation/Refund Policies:

TEAM REGISTRATION: A team registration fee shall be paid IN FULL in Pregame Baseball events. The Pregame Baseball tournament season begins on August 1st and ends on July 31st. REGISTER your team online at www.pregamebaseball.org
CLASSIFICATIONS: Pregame offers four (2) classifications of play for youth tournament teams:

Pregame reserves the right to reclassify a team up or down at any time based on tournament finishes, skill level, and/or ability.
*Note: During tournaments, some age divisions/classifications may be combined if there is not a minimum of 4 teams in a division. *
AGE ELIGIBILITY: Age cut-off date is August 30th. See Age calculator to determine roster age.
Effective for the 2019/2020 season – Grade Level Exceptions for ALL Divisions.

13U Division – Players who turn 14 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 7th grade. Also, any player turning 15 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 13U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
14U Division – Players who turn 15 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 8th grade. Also, any player turning 16 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 14U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
15U Division – Players who turn 16 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 9th grade. Also, any player turning 17 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 15U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
16U Division – Players who turn 17 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 10th grade. Also, any player turning 18 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 16U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
17U Division – Players who turn 18 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 11th grade. Also, any player turning 19 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 17U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
18U Division – Players who turn 19 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible unless they are in the 12th grade. Also, any player turning 20 prior to September 1st will not be eligible. Players who are 18U are eligible for this division regardless of their grade.
It is the Team Managers responsibility to have photocopies of all his players birth certificates or accepted proof of age with him at all times. Upon protest, failure to produce a photocopy of birth certificates or an accepted proof of age will result in a forfeit.
All grade level exception players must have a photocopy of their birth certificate and their current report card, or official school ID with grade, or an official government document stating their grade.
Upon protest, a player that is found to be illegal due to an age or grade violation during a game, shall result in a team forfeit and that player being ejected from the tournament.
ROSTERS: All Teams MUST submit their Official PREGAME Rosters online prior to participating in any PREGAME Event. Prior to the start of a tournament, Teams MUST bring a photocopy of their Official PREGAME Team Roster with signatures to tournament check-in 45 minutes prior to their first game. Be ready to play 15 minutes before any of your scheduled games.
Roster Limit – 15 players
Players may be listed on multiple PREGAME Rosters. However, players cannot play for multiple teams in a PREGAME event on the same weekend. Players violating this rule may result in a forfeit for both teams. Note: Having a AAA player listed on an AA roster, moves that AA team to AAA status for that particular tournament.
Any team who chooses to play up one age must use players in their own age division. If you choose to pick up older players while playing up, you must sanction a new team in that age division.
Rosters will freeze at midnight the day before the start of a tournament and will unfreeze on Monday morning. NO players will be able to be added to rosters after the midnight deadline or anytime during the event

13U 60 X 90 feet
14U – 18U 60 X 90


13U – 18U = 7 innings or 1 hour 45 minutes, whichever comes first.
No new inning may start after the time limit has elapsed. A new inning automatically begins after the 3rd out is recorded in the bottom half of the previous inning.
The official game clock starts at the conclusion of ground rules.
All teams must be prepared to start 30 minutes prior to their scheduled game time.
Pool Play games can end in a tie.
Championship game – 2 hours (18U-13u), 
In Championship/Bracket play games, if the score is tied after all regulation innings have been played or time has expired, the game will proceed as follows until there is a winner. The last out will be put on 2nd base to start each inning, with 0 outs.
When the time limit has expired with the home team batting and ahead, the game is over regardless of the score and the inning will not be completed. The final score is the score when the time expires.
Pregame Baseball reserves the right to alter, change or abbreviate tournament formats, when necessary, in order to complete the tournament.
7 inning game (13U-18U) affected but not limited to the weather, darkness, etc. shall be considered a complete game after 4 complete innings or 3 ½ if the Home team is winning. A game which is stopped after the 4th inning, but not in a complete inning, will revert back to the last completed inning.
12 runs after 3 innings
10 runs after 4 innings
8 runs after 5 innings
HOME TEAM: In pool play, the Home Team will be determined by coin toss. The highest seeded team will be the Home Team during Bracket Play and the Championship Game, with the exception being in a Double Elimination Bracket where the undefeated team in the championship game will be the Home Team regardless of seed. A coin toss will be done in the “IF” game in a Double Elimination Bracket to determine the Home Team. The Home Team will keep the official scorebook. The official scorebook must be a scorebook in writing, not on a mobile device.
LINE-UPS: Each team MUST prepare a written line-up, listing first and last names and numbers of all players/subs that are available prior to each game. Players’ numbers on the line-up card submitted at ground rules MUST match the players’ numbers participating. Team must also choose their line-up option and note it on line-up card. Line-ups must be given to the home plate umpire at ground rules. Note: Once the line-up is submitted at ground rules, no additions/changes can be made.
Batting Order Options:
1) Nine (9) batters -
2) Nine (9) batters with a (DH), batting 9
3) Ten (10) batters with an (EH), batting 10
4) Continuous batting order, with free defensive substitution
Note: When batting a continuous batting order, if a player has to leave the game due to an injury/illness and cannot return to the game, he will not be penalized by taking an out in his spot in the batting order. Once that player leaves the game, the player is not eligible to return to the game in any capacity. If the line-up drops below nine (9) players, teams will take an out for the ninth player each time he is scheduled to bat.
Teams may start and finish a game with eight (8) players, but will take an out for the ninth spot in the line-up.
If the line-up drops below 8 players, the game will be considered a forfeit.
RE-ENTRY Rule: Starters may re-enter one time in their original spot in the batting order. Players listed as substitutes removed from the game are ineligible to return to that game.
TIE BREAKERS: In Pool Play, if all regulation innings have been played or the imposed time limit has expired and the score is tied, the game will end in a tie.
Pool Play - Tie Breaker Criteria:
• Head to Head (only when 2 teams are tied)
Note: When 3 or more teams are tied, the tie breaker becomes Runs Allowed, and cannot revert back to the previous criteria of Head to Head
• Runs Allowed
• Runs Differential (max +/- 7)
• Game 7 Points
• Coin Toss

BASEBALLS: PREGAME will provide up to 3 baseballs for each game. ALL Teams are responsible for retrieving foul balls. Baseballs must be returned to the home plate umpire during and after each game. Teams MUST have tournament quality baseballs on hand to throw in if the original game balls are lost or not returned to the umpire.
Coaches will need to turn in a completed pitching chart with signatures after each game. Teams will track their own pitching and will verify/sign the opposing teams pitching chart. Once the pitching chart is signed, it will be considered official.

Age Division
1 day maximum to pitch next day
1 day maximum
3 day maximum

13U – 18U
5 innings
7 innings
10 innings

Pitching Limits 8U – 12U
- One (1) day maximum to pitch the next day = 4 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch and be available to pitch the next day.
- One (1) day maximum = 6 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in one (1) day.
- Three (3) day maximum = 8 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in three (3) consecutive days.
Days of Rest:
- - A player that pitches more than four (4) innings in one (1) day MUST rest the next day.
- - A player that pitches eight (8) innings in two (2) consecutive days MUST rest the next day.
- - A player that pitches three (3) consecutive days, regardless of total number of innings pitched, MUST rest the next day.
Once the pitcher is removed from the pitching position, he cannot return to pitch in the same game.
Pitching Limits 13U and older
- - One (1) day maximum to pitch the next day = 5 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch and be available to pitch the next day.
- - One (1) day maximum = 7 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in one (1) day.
- Three (3) day maximum = 10 innings. The maximum number of innings a player can legally pitch in three (3) consecutive days.
Days of Rest:
- - A player that pitches more than five (5) innings in one (1) day MUST rest the next day.
- - A player that pitches ten (10) innings in two (2) consecutive days MUST rest the next day.
- - A player that pitches three (3) consecutive days, regardless of total number of innings pitched, MUST rest the next day.
Once the pitcher is removed from the pitching position, he cannot return to pitch in the same game.
Mound Visits: If a coach makes a 2nd visit, to the same pitcher, in the same inning, he must remove that pitcher from the pitching position.
**Pitching will be recorded by thirds of an inning**
Once a pitcher throws a warm-up pitch, he becomes the pitcher of record.
NOTE: If the pitcher of record fails to record an out during an inning, he will still be charged 1/3 of an inning for his appearance.
Penalty: The pitching limit rule is in place to protect pitchers. If a coach violates the rule, there will be NO forfeit for the 1st violation. 1st violation: The coach will have to remove the pitcher at that time and the coach will be ejected from the rest of the current game and serve a one (1) game suspension. 2nd violation: Team forfeit, and the coach will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament.
Pitching recorded in a game that ends in a forfeit will count towards a pitcher’s limit.


13U Division: -60x90. Wood bats are allowed.
Ages 14U -and above: MUST use BBCOR. -3 weight/length ratio only. (CIF HIGH SCHOOL RULES)
All -3 bats must be stamped BBCOR. -WOOD BATS
Illegal Bat (Penalty): If discovered by the defensive team upon appeal during the at bat, the batter will be declared out. Any subsequent outs made on a play will stand. All other actions caused by the use of the illegal bat shall be nullified. (Runners return to their last legally occupied base at the time of the pitch). The appeal must occur before the next pitch or attempted play. If improperly appealed, bat will be removed from play with no penalty assessed.
COACHES: A maximum of four (4) coaches per team are allowed in the dugouts. Only two (2) coaches are permitted to stand outside the dugout in LIVE BALL territory defensively. All interference rules will apply should a coach choose to stand outside the dugout in LIVE BALL territory. The coaches must stay within the vicinity of the dugout entrance.
The Manager/Head Coach should always come to the plate meeting prior to the start of the game. The coach that attends the plate meeting will be the only coach that communicates with the umpire throughout the game concerning rule interpretations and/or protests.
Courtesy runners may be used for the pitcher or catcher of record at anytime. It is recommended to use the courtesy runner to keep the game moving. The courtesy runner must be a player not presently in the line-up. When using a continuous batting order, the courtesy runner will be the last out. If at any time, a courtesy runner is determined to be ineligible, the proper replacement (if available) shall be used without penalty.
Any defensive manager/coach or player may instruct the umpire to issue a batter an intentional walk and award the batter first base. This may be done before pitching to the batter or on any ball/strike count. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award.
Players: Teams should be complete with team jerseys of the same color and style with numbers that are non-duplicating. If there are any concerns, it needs to be addressed at ground rules.

Helmets: All offensive players shall use a double ear flap batting helmet whenever at bat, on deck, on base, or any other time outside of the dugout when the ball is live and in play.
Metal Cleats  They are allowed in the 13U – 18U divisions. NO metal cleats on portable pitching mounds or turf fields.
PROTESTS: Any PROTEST requires a $100 cash protest fee at the time of the protest.
What can be protested and when? Roster Challenges and misinterpretations of the rules. Judgment calls cannot be protested. Games can be protested during the current game being played, anytime from the conclusion of ground rules after line-ups are submitted until the end of the game when the game card is signed. Game cannot be protested after the game cards have been signed and teams have left the field.
At the time of protest, the game will be stopped and a tournament official and/or UIC will be notified to make a decision on the protest. All decisions will be final.
If protest is upheld, the $100 fee will be refunded.
Roster Challenges: Upon protest, teams must provide photocopies of birth certificates or approved identification to determine if a player is eligible. If the Manager can’t provide birth certificates or accepted proof of age or if a player is determined to be an illegal player, that player is ejected from the protested game and becomes ineligible to participate for the remainder of the tournament. The protested game becomes a forfeit and that team becomes ineligible to participate in Bracket play.
It is recommended to have the jersey numbers of the players participating match the numbers posted online to avoid any confusion. Online jersey numbers will not be protestable.
Forfeits will be scored 6-0 in a 6-inning game, 7-0 in a 7-inning game.
Any team that records a forfeit will be ineligible to participate in Bracket Play. Team will be placed last in the standings and will forfeit any awards, points and entry fees.

Balks enforced, 1 warning per pitcher
Maximum runs scored per half inning = 7 runs. Sixth (6th) inning = unlimited runs. Mercy rule still in effect.
Intentional Walks: Any defensive manager/coach or player may instruct the umpire to issue a batter an intentional walk and award the batter first base. This may be done before pitching to the batter or on any ball/strike count. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award.

Note: Teams may start with 9 players. However, they must play all the infield positions including the pitcher and 3 outfielders.
-The batter will get six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. If the sixth (6th) pitch is a foul ball, the batter shall receive an additional pitch or pitches until the ball is hit fair or the batter’s turn at bat is completed.
– No intentional walks allowed.
- No Bunting or half-swings at the pitch.
PENALTY: Ball is declared a foul ball and counts as a pitch
- Batters may not indicate a “fake bunt” then pull back and swing.
PENALTY: A strike will be called and if it’s the third (3rd) strike, the batter will be declared out.
- No infield fly rule
- No lead-offs or stealing, runners must hold their base until the ball is hit.
PENALTY: Runner(s) will be called out for leaving the base early. Teams will get 1 warning.
- Umpire will operate the pitching machine at all times.
- During play, the umpire will call “Time” and declare the ball dead when the ball is controlled
by an infielder on the infield within the base paths. Runners will be sent back to last touched base if the umpire determines the runners were not more than halfway to the next base. This is a judgment call by the umpire.
-The defensive player listed as the pitcher shall not leave the pitching circle until the ball is hit.
PENALTY: The play continues and after the play has ended, the offensive team has the option of taking the result of the play or no pitch. Note: The pitcher must have one foot within the circle and positioned in line with or anywhere behind the front of the machine until the ball is hit.
-Whenever a batted ball hits any part of the pitching machine or the umpire operating the pitching machine, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base (1st) base and all runners shall advance one (1) base.
Batting Order Options:
1) Ten (10) batters
2) Continuous batting order, with free defensive substitution
Note: When batting a continuous batting order, if a player has to leave the game due to an injury/illness and cannot return to the game, he will not be penalized by taking an out in his spot in the batting order. Once that player leaves the game, the player is not eligible to return to the game in any capacity.
If only 9 players are available, teams may start and finish a game with nine (9) players, without taking an out for the 10th spot in the line-up.
If the line-up drops below 9 players, the game will be considered a forfeit.
Each team MUST prepare a written line-up, listing first and last names and numbers of all players/subs that are available prior to each game. Line-ups must be given to the home plate umpire at ground rules. Note: Once the line-up is submitted at ground rules, no additions/changes can be made.
RE-ENTRY Rule: Starters may re-enter one time in their original spot in the batting order.
Players listed as substitutes removed from the game are ineligible to return to that game.

Courtesy runners may be used for the catcher of record at any time. It is recommended to use the courtesy runner to keep the game moving. The courtesy runner must be a player not presently in the line-up. When using a continuous batting order, the courtesy runner will be the last out. If at any time, a courtesy runner is determined to be ineligible, the proper replacement (if available) shall be used without penalty.

Batting Order Options:
1) Ten (10) batters
2) Continuous batting order, with free defensive substitution
Note: When batting a continuous batting order, if a player has to leave the game due to an injury/illness and cannot return to the game, he will not be penalized by taking an out in his spot in the batting order. Once that player leaves the game, the player is not eligible to return to the game in any capacity.
If only 9 players are available, teams may start and finish a game with nine (9) players, without taking an out for the 10th spot in the line-up.
If the line-up drops below 9 players, the game will be considered a forfeit.
Each team MUST prepare a written line-up, listing first and last names and numbers of all players/subs that are available prior to each game. Line-ups must be given to the home plate umpire at ground rules. Note: Once the line-up is submitted at ground rules, no additions/changes can be made.
RE-ENTRY Rule: Starters may re-enter one time in their original spot in the batting order.
Players listed as substitutes removed from the game are ineligible to return to that game.
Courtesy runners may be used for the catcher of record at any time. It is recommended to use the courtesy runner to keep the game moving. The courtesy runner must be a player not presently in the line-up. When using a continuous batting order, the courtesy runner will be the last out. If at any time, a courtesy runner is determined to be ineligible, the proper replacement (if available) shall be used without penalty.
EJECTIONS:All player ejections will be reviewed by the tournament director to determine eligibility for the remainder of the tournament.Coaches, parents, or spectators ejected from a game may be suspended for 1 game or for the remainder of the tournament. Any coach, parent or spectator ejected from a game must leave the area and cannot be within 300 feet of your game. It is the sole discretion of the tournament director or UIC.SPORTSMANSHIP: All players, coaches, managers, sponsors and spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. Remember, rule interpretations may be disputed. Judgement calls, especially balls and strikes may NOT be disputed. All ejections will result in banishment from that game and may also result in banishment of the tournament. This is youth baseball; bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated.Thank You for choosing Pregame Baseball.