



Pregame Baseball was established in March 2003,

1st Tournament 14u Division 10 Teams  out of 7 were Ranked in the Top 10, THATS when Rankings Really mattered and TEAMS Traveled, They competed any Day of the week.

Our goal was to provide Quality HS Fields Real Mounds, Grass Infields, WE have never used a Dirt infield or Portable Mound 14u Division  and UP nor will we ever, 

Our Award Package Are T-shirts with a positive saying That THE players can wear, We sometimes give out DriFit tops as a awards, And we have even given out Wood Bats to the Winners, Team Hoodies, -

We will never give out Rings or Belts, Something You earn (image on Right) 

You get the Real Ring in HS or College,  A belt A different Sport

Compete  Challenge   Dont ever Give Up  

Champions Play the Game 

Associates in Our Game
Real Championship
     Real    Ring